The contribution made by PDSA is undeniable both in terms of social benefits and personal feelings. However, this site is ignorable and not attractive. Besides, people always treat pets in humans’ way, regarding them as small people. I decided to make a change of this site and create a better impression.
From Ernst Bloch’s The Priciple of Hope, Oren Harman’s The Price Of Altruism, Donna Haraway’s The Companion Species Manifesto and many other references, it is clear that our altruistic behaviours is of the same reason why we keep pets. This kind of behaviours is a hard-wire of our brain. It is gene that push us to persuit a sense of connection.
Through research, it can be concluded that people helping others and raising pets are all derived from the social instinct of people. This instinct is physiological, not moral. This instinct closely links person and person, person and pets.
We cannot deny that such a link does bring happiness and attention to pets, but we cannot ignore the misunderstandings in this relationship. If people can be more aware of the existence of pets as non-humans and experience the feelings of pets, ‘care’ can also become warmer and more powerful.
We care each other and we are linked with each other. I decided to find a way to create closer relationship and to know our little friends better.